One fun thing about this trip was that Amber, one of my oldest friends, just moved out that direction with her husband. So we made sure to get together to have Supper with Kirk, who I have known almost as long as I have known Amber.

Honorable mention for New York people that I have known forever goes to Stephen...

...Jared and Brigham (celebrated by a lunch at Five Guys).

I actually hung out with other new and exciting people that I have not known forever too, but didn't take photos of them because sometimes I forget to take out my camera when I am too busy trying to make people like me. This trip I did make it to the Tenement Museum, the Brooklyn Book Festival (where I first heard about this guy's tragic, untimely demise) and ate at several new and delicious places. One thing I meant to do but never made it to in this trip was to go to the New Museum. Does this mean I am going to have to go back to New York?

honorable mention...
yeah. but you get 'best dressed honorable mention.'
(to be clear, the awards are only going out for people i have known the longest. amber is the winner, since i have known her for 12 years. this is one of those contests that is going to be hard to ever beat, i think).
But did you hang out with Collin?
i KNOW. That is the real question to be asked here. Sadly, I went all the way to New York and did not see Collin at all, though I tried to ask everyone I talked to about him to see what he was up to and where I might be able to 'accidentally' run into him. Casually, of course.
darn. if i had still been living in nyc, i would have won the prize for new york friend that you've known the longest. try 20+ years. bff 4-ever.
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