Derek hassled the folks at Safeway until they filled up a sack full of tiny balloons for him, and after patiently tying some really small knots, ended up with a few of these tiny delights:

Though we found the mini floating balloon suspended above the mini cupcake house to be pretty much the cutest thing ever, SCIENCE was working against us with crazy static electricity and quickly escaping helium gases. So Derek would work so hard to get a balloon filled, tied, and suspended, only to find that the balloon was drooping into the frosting after about 20 minutes of cuteness.
We finally had to compromise with deflated balloons glued to toothpicks, which still turned out pretty adorable when all lined up:

We arrived at the party, patting ourselves on the back for our creative treats, only to find that the only other themed food that had been prepared was also cUPcakes, (though they had bypassed the whole SCIENCE problem by just using really cute suckers as balloons). I guess we should have gone with red velvet dolphin cupcakes like Derek had suggested, but it seemed inappropriate at the time.
those definitely win an academy award!
At least you got a picture.
Thanks, Robin!
We did get a picture. But notice that there is only one cupcake that really made it through.
you guys really are MFEO.
i would like to see a red velvet dolphin cupcake. please.
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