Thursday, April 2, 2009

re: art imitating life imitating art

After London, I chunneled over to France to stay with Kristine in Paris for a few days.

It turns out that there is a lot of art happening over in Europe. I was in the middle of a DaVinci Code sightseeing tour, and part of it led me to this museum that I guess is a pretty big deal.

I went inside and was overwhelmed by all the things to see. Even though the Louvre is massive and houses who knows how many billions of pieces of art, there were a few pieces that seemed to really be grabbing all the attention.

It turns out, this is what the Mona Lisa looks like:

(It is also what the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame look like - crowded.)

But, I managed to still see my way around a lot of great art while I was there, though I got a little distracted by all the people taking photos in front of some of the pieces. Especially in the sculpture portion of the gallery, a simple 'standing and smiling' photo rarely sufficed. Most people had to somehow try to interact with the art, or imitate it.

Like this woman that is apparently pretending to get inside of the marble tub to take a bath?

Or all these blurry people making themselves look all statue-ish?

I found it almost more fun to watch the people imitating the art than to even look at the art itself.

But it gave me a great idea. I found this excellent photo in my Time Out guidebook: I made it my goal to find that exact spot and take my photo just like the bronzed Parisian man. I was wearing a few more layers than he was, but managed to find the exact spot (minus the fake London Eye in the background. Apparently that was only a temporary exhibit):

Kristine was pretty spot on as well.

I pass the challenge along to you. The next time you find yourself in Paris ... please make it your trip's goal to find this spot and take your photo there as well.


Alice said...

You failed to point out how you and Kristine imitated each other with your outfits for the day also.

bex said...

ha ha. this is very true. i was even wearing a yellow sweater under all those black layers. no lie.

we also matched pretty much every other woman walking around the rainy Parisian streets in boots and stretch pants.

tiffany said...

Ah! So fun! I'm leaving for France in two weeks and will definitely be on the lookout for goofy tourists -- and that spot!

English said...

In Italy I started work on a coffee table book of photos of people taking photos of themselves "holding up" the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Its admiring and making fun of people... and that's what art is supposed to do Bex.

bex said...

Do your follow-up book at the Eiffel Tower. There were plenty of people to admire and make fun of there as well.


Veeda said...

awesome. if we get to Paris this summer we'll do just that pose.

bex said...

All you Parisian travelers - I want to see your pics.