Friday, October 11, 2013

re: Weighing In

\\ That's about all I see of my toes these days //
In a fit of quantified-self geekery last year, Derek and I bought a wireless scale from Fitbit that automatically sends our weight to a tidy little graph on an online profile every time we step on it, so that we end up with a nice picture of our weight over time. It is such a smart little device that it "recognizes" me, and blinks a little greeting of my name as I stand there waiting for my body fat percentage to appear.

My graph has been kind of fun to watch as my pregnancy progresses, as it arcs in a way that would be otherwise horrifying if I didn't have another growing human inside me to blame. In the beginning, the little blinking display would just dutifully tell me my new weight daily, without any hint of alarm or judgement as the number grew and grew every week.

Then there was the awkward phase where my weight got too close to Derek's for the scale to tell us apart very easily anymore. You could tell it didn't want to offend anyone ... but instead of boldly blinking my name when I stood on the scale it blinked it with a tentative question mark afterwords. "Bex?"

Now I've safely made it to the other side and the scale knows the difference between the two of us again, though hopefully it isn't the side of things that I'll be staying on too long. I'm planning to confuse the scale again in a few months.


  1. it's so exciting to see the number go back down on the other side:)

  2. Only time in my life that I wanted to see the charted progress of my weight was the 18 months surrounding my baby's birth.

    Had I known this existed I'm sure we would have bought one to...

    ...I just love data...

  3. thanks guys @Mindy, @Alice, @MrsEm!

    @Katie - agreed! it helps thinking of it as just data instead of impossible numbers on a scale : )
