Monday, February 13, 2012

The Future of Camping

For our annual Valentine's Day camping adventure this year, Derek and I headed north of Calistoga for a weekend full of hot springs, sweaty saunas, relaxing massages and hours of yoga. It was the kind of place that made you embarrassed that you'd ever bought anything with a name brand or professed to like refined sugar.

We stayed in this weirdly futuristic looking dome tent cabin in the middle of the woods.

There was a little disconnect, because when you walk inside the dome tent of the future, the first thing you see is a headboard of the 90's.

It still made for a perfect spot to nap.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. i would have prefered you made this year's heart out of headboard scraps, but other than that it looks very wonderful.

  2. Dangit. I missed a golden opportunity. That heart would have been the most meaningful of valentines.

  3. oh man! you guys are the coolest married couple ever!

  4. If that were true, Alison, we'd be wearing matching pants/tie/dress combos with longhorn steer printed on them. Let's be honest.

  5. Saunas are incredible. Agree with you. Very good for overall body and soul.
