Friday, March 18, 2011

re: Martha Knows Real

I'm finally going to get around to uploading all of my wedding photos this weekend, so stay tuned for more to come, but in the meantime I just wanted to share a little something that was published this week...

Martha Stewart (or at least one of her bloggers - thanks, Shira!) has deemed my wedding to have been REAL.

Real Wedding: Rebecca and Derek, Los Angeles, California

If that "Real" is as in "Real Fun", then I'll have to agree.


  1. you're sort of a big deal. for real.

  2. I'm glad you found someone as fun and creative as you! It looks like it was a blast.

  3. ummm WOW.. you're kinda famous now, you know that right? just remember who checked your blog "way back when" hah
