Sunday, January 11, 2009

re: Resolutions

There have been lots of good lists of people's new years resolutions out there, and though I am more of a constant goal setter than taking care of it all once a year, it is still kind of fun to think about what I want out of 2009. A few things that I feel pretty good about putting on a list this year:

1) Throw the party that you wish you were invited to.

I stole this cartoon (with permission) from Mike, because I always loved the idea of doing your best to proactively make the world a place you like to live in. Throwing a Family Matters party is probably a good place to start.

2) Buy less. Produce more.
I've been cleaning out my room this week and decided that I own far more clothing and knick knacks than I can ever use. So. I'd like to spend a little less time and money buying stuff I don't need, and spend more time making stuff to sell to other people that didn't make that same resolution. J/K. But I like the idea of learning to better use what I already have, and focus more time on my personal projects and saving my money for bigger stuff that I need a little .

And though there is no way I can cut shopping out of my life completely, I like the idea of sticking to mostly second-hand stuff (I already do, mostly) and if I do buy new, to buy something nice that will last. No Forever 21 in 2009. That doesn't rhyme or anything, but it seems like a pretty good shopping motto.

3) Keep my desk work spaces clean. This one might be impossible, but I would like to think that every Sunday night I am going to make sure that my desk space is cleaned off. I'd like to believe this will help me be more productive during the week with projects...

4) Get SCUBA certified. And then go some place tropical to celebrate! You will all be invited. But you will have to dress like your favorite Family Matters character.

5) Write my Grammy a letter every Sunday. I used to be good at this and quit some time this year. I am starting it up again.

6) Get more out of SF. See more local art shows. Eat at new restaurants. Bike to places I haven't been.

7) Watch a lot more Gossip Girl. (Hey. I always have to add something to the list that is going to be easy to accomplish)


  1. I love #5
    and as a SF Native in exile, I am trying to get INTO SF more in 2009

  2. I realize I misread #6 - so maybe we'll run into each other


  3. I had to make #6 because I get out of SF too much as it is - so maybe we will run into eachother in some place in between!

  4. 8) say "good morning" to people you know when you see them from your scooter. Accomplished!

  5. as part of helping you with your goals, I will gladly embrace that which you purge.. send it over!

  6. Number 1 is an excellent idea and seing (more of) SF would be a dream for me, coming from Europe.

    I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago and have read all your posts now and can't wait to read some more. Please, write soon again. :)

  7. can you resolve to watch gossip girl with me in '09? i've just found this gem of a tv show and would love to share the experience with you.
