Monday, December 1, 2008


My mom called me yesterday and said "I know what you were doing 30 years ago." Because it was my birthday! My Golden Birthday.

And even though I have a ridiculous party coming up next week, my SF friends still decided to throw me a little dinner party on my real birthday too. Because they are great.

My birthday was awesome for three reasons.

1) My party banner got assembled backwards. (thank you, juliann)

2) When I walked in to the party, everyone was wearing these really, really creepy looking masks of the top half of my face. (Sarah and Tom, creepy to the max)

3) My traditional birthday Frangipan almost lit Brant's apartment on fire.

(the lighting of the "special candles")

(the presentation)

(the excitement!)

(the fire alarm goes off)

(the apartment fills with smoke and sparks start burning holes in couches. excitement turns to mild panic)

(the whole frangipan is covered with a crunchly layer of burnt, crispy fireworks)

Everyone ate the frangipan anyway, the good sports that they are.


  1. besides missing your birthday, i'm really sad i didn't get to wear one of those masks.

  2. Lessons I learned on your birthday: do not use the "nice" sparklers on birthday cakes.

  3. Happy Be-lated birthday. And 30 really isn't that bad! I promise :)

  4. I think everyone should have one of those masks.

  5. stranger alert. hi. who thought of those masks? brant? i hope so because we used to play with masks of that variety all the time. so creepy.

  6. wha?!!? you're 30, too? like i said before, not a day over...mmm...23. promise. happy golden bday!

  7. Yes. I blame Brant for a lot of the creepiness in my life.

    (thanks, adriane! i'll take 23.)

    and thank you EVERYONE for all the birthday wishes. it is nice to have a lot of support going into the next decade of my life.
